Thursday, January 28, 2010


Is "cheating" on a diet worth it? Sometimes I think it is, sometimes I think it is essential in fact..not to cheat per say, but to allow yourself a treat-that goodie you have been craving. BUT, and it is a big but, right now, I cant handle it, and that became apparent this evening. I'm so new and fresh into this diet that one slip is the kiss of death for me. So, here I am confessing- I cheated. I am thankful though that it is about time to go grocery shopping so there was very little for me to eat and this did not turn into a binge. I had been thinking about the little bit of ice cream left in the fridge for a few hours. I did everything to keep myself away, everything but throw it out, which is what I should have done. After having a "legal" treat, making and eating dinner, cleaning bottles, AND cleaning the kitchen, I caved. Now my issue is not that I caved and had a little ice cream, but that I let it get to me so much. I feel so guilty, like such a failure. That is when I get into trouble. THAT is what I need to work on .I let my guilt and feeling of failure take over and I turn to old habits, old BAD habits. So what am I going to do to move past this? I am going to spend a bit of time looking up "legal" recipes that will satisfy my cravings. If at this point it means having some frankenfoods than so be it. My objective now is to change my behaviors so that is what I am going to do.

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